
Posts Tagged ‘Hercules & Love Affair’

Woah….. two months? It’s been a while.

So I’ve moved out, from Camden to Lewisham (I’ll put up a pic or two later…. maybe as part of this thing Im working on) which basically means I save two hours+ travel everyday. Oh yeah. And I can go out any night I want, and drink. Yes… Im an adult, really. I’ve been back to Camden a few times, but what a pity I haven’t seen that stupid woman with the Australian flag who doesnt think Muslims are fit for Camden. Someone needs a good root.

Im working on this little zine idea at the moment with my newfound freedom, as well as a few tunes, but lord only knows if they’ll be fleshed out a little more.

All but one of my New Years Resolutions are complete, which is prompting me to come up with something a little more challenging for next year. World peace? An end to the hideous chunky skidmark that is Justin Timberlake’s Acting Career? I start back at uni in about a month, CANNOT wait. And Im staying on at RailCorp.

I suggest you all listen to the self-titled album from Hercules & Love Affair, Im falling in love with it.

I’ll send an update soon(er than the gap I’ve left between this and the previous post) I hope. Tschuss.


P.S. Dont go to ‘Everywhere Internet’ in Railway Square for the music.

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